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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Writing: Just wondering?

Question:I've been really good writing using a computer, fascinating the beauty of the Arial font (I don't use that synonym MS word function). But once I have to write using pen and paper, my work gets sloppy.

Is there any way to "balance" this out??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been really good writing using a computer, fascinating the beauty of the Arial font (I don't use that synonym MS word function). But once I have to write using pen and paper, my work gets sloppy.

Is there any way to "balance" this out??
I would suggest stick with your computer. Or if situation dictates at least just try to write legibly so that you can understand your writings. What is important is not the penmanship but the essence of what you write. As long as everyone understands it then there should be no problem.
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