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Questions about duplicating keys?

ok, I NEED a copy of a key that says DO NOT DUPLICATE... i know places arent supposed to duplicate these keys under any circumstances but this is an emergency! Im not trying to break into any place or anything i promise!!! Does anyone know any way to duplicate it?? If anyone is a key duplicator PLEASE help me! i wont tell i swear,,, please someone help me! theres got to be a way!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Keys that are so marked are done so for a reason. But, there is also supposed to be someone who is authorized to allow a copy to be made. Landlords will sometimes do it to protect future tenants without the need to change locks. You should be able to contact the appropriate person (building custodian, landlord, facility manager etc) and have them give you the necessary paper/form that authorizes you to have a copy made. Give the authorization to the locksmith or place that makes keys and they will be able to duplicate it. Good luck