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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What toe of artist should I be?

Question: What toe of artist should I be!?
I have ADHD, so I get bored easily!. I hate focusing on one thing all the time!. so I want a job that isn't focusing on one thing!. I'm talented at drawing, inherited by my father!. I also hate painting with wet media!. Its so tricky!. My computer is my second life, so graphic art is in questioning but anyone can do that and i want to distinguish myself more than that!. also to mention it would strip me of use my natural talent of drawing!. Last but definitely not least, is yearly salary!. I'm a bit avarice!. Money is a huge factor of my future!. I dont mind taking years to perfect anything to earn that much a year, not come easy!. So if you know what I should be, please tell me!.
Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You might not realize it, but they have electronic drawing pads that you use with your computer for graphic design!. Even if you don't use one of those, you'll still end up sketching a lot before actually putting something into the computer!.

Graphic art is hard to break into unless you already have a connection in the business!. Be prepared to freelance and build your own business for awhile before you make any good money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com