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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you go about joining a drama agency?

Question: How do you go about joining a drama agency!?
i want to contact the william morris agency but i don't know what to say!. i love acting and am with a small company where i live but they only teach you great techniques not put you forward for parts in big movies, tv shows ect!. so any tips on what would be the best way to do this i would really appreciate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all , before you go present yourself to a big agency you need to make sure you have experience!. Make sure you have done many community plays, taken classes, and done all you can to get that extra experience!. After you have dont that, (which could take time if you dont already have experience) you can call the agency, and tell them how you would be interested in joining!. Just a warning if you go to an agency and they ask you to pay them for ANY reason (even clasess) it IS a scam!. Real talent agents just get you the jobs, and you dont have to pay until you are booked a job!. That is why agents are so picky with the talent they choose, because they don't want to represent someone who they don't feel has enough experience or couldn't make it, because they only get paid after a job is booked!.
Hope I could help :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont want to rain on your parade but wma is not gonna sign an unknown no credits actor unless you are already famous for something else!.
WMA and CAA are the biggest talent agencies in the world!. therefore they sign world class talent!. join a smaller agent build up a resume then you will be able to choose them as your agent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com