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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Any tips for the neighbours dolly audition?

Question: Any tips for the neighbours dolly audition!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you mean "Hello Dolly!?"

Please provide some more details!.

EDIT: OK!. You get a copy of the script before the audition and then you have to go in and read!. So what you do is practice as hard as you can; try to really get into the character so it doesn't seem as if you're just reading!.

Since I'm from the States I had to look up the show (soap opera) and the magazine (teen mag) since I had never heard of them!. My assumption here is that they are offering a small role as part of a magazine contest!.

The only thing you can do is the best job you can and I wish you much luck!. If it doesn't happen, though, don't get discouraged; I've been an actor for 25 years and I can tell you that many times you have to go on 100 auditions just to get one role!

Have fun and I hope you get it!. Don't forget about school, though!Www@QuestionHome@Com