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Position:Home>Poetry> How 'bout a little tribute to our pets.. care to comment?

Question: How 'bout a little tribute to our pets!.!. care to comment!?
Tiny cat noises wake me from my slumber

Her mew so tiny, this cat has got my number

She’s white as snow

That’s why I call her Blizzard

The other reason being…

It sounds a lot like Lizard

I’ve never heard so small a mew

Except in little kittens

I guess I am smitten

I obligingly get up

Take her to the door

Let her out now

For her morning hunt

And the sun knocks my eyes out!

It is a beautiful day!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
tails wag
ready to grab
what ever I bring home
from the store

So happy to me
whether I have been gone
two hours or two minutesWww@QuestionHome@Com

OK let's go for a walk! Want to go!?

It's a beautiful mornin', Ahhh,
I think I'll go outside a while,
An jus' smile!.
Just take in some clean fresh air, boy!
Ain't no sense in stayin' inside
If the weather's fine and you got the time!.
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day!.
Either way,
It's a beautiful mornin', Ahhh,
Each bird keeps singin' his own song!.
So long!
I've got to be on my way, now!.
Ain't no fun just hangin' around,
I've got to cover ground, you couldn't keep me down!.
It just ain't no good if the sun shines
When you're still inside,
Shouldn't hide, still inside, shouldn't hide,
Oh! (I shouldn't hide)

There will be children with robins and flowers;
Sunshine caresses each new waking hour!.
Seems to me that the people keep seeing
More and more each day, gotta say, lead the way,
It's okay,tuesday, thursday, it's okay,
Monday, wednesday, friday, weekend, weekday,

I understand the second to last line all too well, and the subtle vulnerability behind the mew is heartwarming!. This is a great pen, and a beautiful day!. Thanks, maddam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice!.

My dog chews on me until I take her out!. Every morning!. Same time, same route!.

She's an all-weather brand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love this, isn't it so wonderful to be owned by a cat!?


When I get back from work, my lil Manx BITES me her "hello, glad you're home!!!!"
You know your cats, lady!!! Well enough to get 'em with a poem!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com