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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem. What do you think?

Question: A poem!. What do you think!?
Screamed Out In Silence!.

You could tell her you love her!.
That you care about her so much!.
And you'd do anything to be with her!.
To feel her comforting touch!.

But she'd never listen!.

You could give her your all!.
Your everything and more!.
You'd catch her when she'd fall!.
Help her get her feet on the floor!.

But she'd never listen!.

You could cry your eyes out!.
Always into the night!.
And pour your heart out!.
Giving it without a fight!.

But she'd never listen!.

You can be screaming her name!.
Over and over in your head!.
Wishing you knew what to say!.
And that she knew it was said!.

But she'd never listen!.

You could just give up!.
Knowing she doesn't care!.
Still tell her that you
Wanted her to hear!.

But still, she'd never listen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Excellent!! You definitely have a talent!. Poetry is not a talent that a lot of people are blessed with, but you have a gift, and I feel that you should pursue it!. I truly enjoy reading good poetry, because it paints a picture of one's soul!. Keep up the great work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad!.
Thanks, enjoyed that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com