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Position:Home>Poetry> Hurry please answer, i need one line of a poem?

Question: Hurry please answer, i need one line of a poem!?
I'm writing a poem for english, about my grandpa who passed a few years ago!. I need one more line in the first stanza:

I understand- although hard to grasp- you are lost, far gone!.
Beneath a vast carpet crafted of emerald, you lay;

I want to believe you are distant!. Away from the agony and
Despair that surrounded you in your closing days!. Far away,
But remaining in my heart and mind evermore!.

I recall where you were three years back,
Undoubtedly on that inviting street where warm neighbors shout greetings!.
In that old blue house on the corner, nestled between comforting trees!.

With the love of your life, and wife of sixty years!.
What heartbreak she would suffer when she heard the news,
a foreign voice on the opposite end of the receiver!. April fifth, her birthday!.

So I have wrapped my head around the fact that you are lost;
Yet here as well!. Absent in soul, yet as close as six feel below!.
Beneath this tombstone, my scuffed flip flops and the quick-falling teardrops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I understand- although hard to grasp- you are lost, far gone!.
Beneath the rich emerald-spead of grass, you lie;
Far from traffic noise, from moist showers, from soft dawn!.


maybe try this!?!? i dont know i tried to come up with something good in honor of him =/

I understand- although hard to grasp- you are lost, far gone!.
Your body asleep below it's floral bed
Beneath the vast carpet of emerald, you layWww@QuestionHome@Com

Peacefully unaware that just above you the gentle breezes sway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not waiting nor listening!. Www@QuestionHome@Com