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Position:Home>Poetry> Does a POET need to trust his words, to play them RIGHT?

Question: Does a POET need to trust his words, to play them RIGHT!?
i want to know what do u need to write :trust in words or a situation to drive u!?

i used to write but i somehow stopped so what is your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If nothing exciting is happening in my life, I look back to the past for emotionally driven situations!. Although, actually, something is always happening, even if it is not exciting events, my mind and heart are always reacting and interacting to the daily situations I find myself in!.

As to trusting words, it's not a matter of trusting words - it's more whether or not I love my words and willingness to work on them until I feel that passionate attraction to them and hope someone else (the reader) will feel the same way!.

If you are suffering from writer's block, since you used to write and now stopped, I would advise you to start again - just write anything that comes into your head without worrying whether or not it is good and then you will see, it's like writing a bike, you never forget how and you never fall off, you just ride away, down your chosen path!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

With me it sometimes comes as a response to a news item, or a phrase that sticks out or occasionally, just occasionally, I get a few lines of a poem suddenly form and I just take it from there!. These are usually the best!.

As a rule, I carry a notebook to jot these down or else I can never remember them later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I write down things that i fell then i turn it in to a poem sometimes i can only write a verse or two at a time then go back later and it just comes to me!. I do think it means more if you feel or believe in what you write good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bit of both seriously!.!.!.emotion is the best wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

tell what you feel Www@QuestionHome@Com