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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the technique for writing tabs?

Question: What is the technique for writing tabs!?
Well, I guess not writing them, like, finding the frets/notes, ect!.

I wanted to try and tab a simple solo, but is there any technique on how to do it or, do I just try every string on every fret!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds like you're not asking how to write tabs, but instead how to transcribe a solo (or anything else)!.

Whether you transcribe it to memory, into tabs, or into regular sheet music doesn't matter!. The technique is the same:
You simply have to hear it and be able to reproduce it!. It's really that simple and there is no magic bullet!.

To help make it easier, get an audio player that can slow down the playback, and can loop over a small segment of it!.
This will allow you to listen to a particular part over and over at a slower speed and help you more easily figure it out!.

The Guitar Rig software, for example, has a "tape deck" that lets you do this!.

I should point out though, that as you gain more experience playing, you'll also simultaneously (without even realizing it) gain experience being able to more easily transcribe other peoples' music!. This is because with more experience you learn what every note on the fretboard sounds like, how it feels and sounds to play those notes at various locations, and you begin to build up a library of "licks" - making it easy to recognize them and variations of them when you hear them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is how I write guitar tabs for my own songs!.!.!.!.

for example

Verse 1 Bridge


Example below for a guitar solo tab


And you use a full sheet of black paper to do this too!.

I find it easier to start real slow, and then build speed and confidence!. But I'm a drummer, so this probably has no relevance to you!.

But start off slow, do it a couple times, then speed up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You find the notes my playing a scale!.
Yes, those dreaded scales!.Www@QuestionHome@Com