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Question: World History (SOCIAL STUDIES) help!? !?
World History (SOCIAL STUDIES) help!?
I have this assignment!. I do not understand whats going on!.!. i need help!
I scanned the page!.

What I need to do is:
Explain What an enlightenment despot is
Explain how fredrick the great was an enl despot
Describe the reform of joseph IIWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
k a better word for enlightened despot is an enlightened monarch, which is a king or queen of a nation that tries to implement political, religion freedom and modernize their nation!. Frederick the great was the king of Prussia and he was one because he tried to improve his army and modernize, and give religious freedom to many minorities among other things!. Joseph Ii of Austria did some of the same things including givng more political rights to Jews and ProtestantsWww@QuestionHome@Com