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Position:Home>History> Why did Romans kick out the Jews out of Israel?

Question: Why did Romans kick out the Jews out of Israel!?
I never understood why the Romans kicked out the Jews out of Israel!. The Romans usually tried to incorporate conquered people into its system of law and justice!. Could someone please explain!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is because the Jews did not want the Romans there It was the Jewish people who fought against them to get them out!. The Romans were the mightier at first and literally killed, dispersed them as slaves and brought down their buildings!. When the Jews still did not want the Romans there the Romans more os less savaged Israel!. This lead to the first dispersal of the Jews!.

It is said that Jesus was part of a dangerous underground group who wanted the Romans out too!. The Romans tried to assimilate the Jews as you rightly pointed out and as Jesus was doing the preaching it was they who brought about the Christian religion trying to appease the Jews to their way of life!.

Now if I get the thumbs down do it on the first part only as the second part was just a little add on that I was taught!!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the cultures that Rome came across were polytheistic, and as such had no problems worshipping the Roman gods, and later the Roman emperors who were deified!. They paid their taxes, made the public sacrifices, and all was fine!.

The Jews believe in one god (as do the Christians, which for decades or centuries, the Romans viewed as a sect of Judaism)!. They would not sacrifice to the Roman gods, they would not worship the Roman gods!. They usually paid their taxes!.

What set the Jews & Romans truly over the edge was when local non-Jews in Ceasarea (Greeks I think) sacrificed in front of the Synagogue; then the Jews attacked the garrison in Jerusalem as retaliation for the garrison doing nothing to stop the local non-Jews!. Romans didn't take that sort of thing lightly, but their first army was defeated!. Vespasian, and his son of the same name (the later emperors) were sent in an over the course of the next few years, systematically defeated the rebels!. The final siege was that of Messada!. The Romans put many Jews to death for involvement in the revolt, and hoped that they had finally pacified the Jews, especially since Jerusalem had been sacked!.

But in 115 or so, another group of JEws rebelled (though these weren't in Israel); and they were crushed!.

The last straw was during the reign of Hadrian, in 132; when he promised ot rebuilt the city, but the Jews didn't like how he was going to do it!. the result being the explusion of Jews from Jerusalem, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem with the typical Roman grid system & Roman temples on the site of the Temple!. Hadrian also outlawed the Torah, and even renamed the province Syria Palestine, after the Philistines, a historical enemy of the Jews!. The dogma of the Jews changed from that of a messianic one to the conservative one we know of today!.

However, the Jews rebelled AGAIN in 351; to brutal consequences!.

Not to put this bluntly, but the Jews of that era were a royal PITA for the Romans, just like they had been to success against the Greeks, the Babylonians (not the Persians, they loved them), the Assyrians and anyone else who had rolled over their lands for hundreds of years!.

But they didn't remember that the Romans didn't take crap!. The Romans obliterated Corinth, they obliterated Carthage!. If you were a thorn in the Roman side, they would not just beat you down- they would do their best to wipe you out completely!.

But before all the beating, the Romans brought peace, trade, education, culture, water, etc to the province!. The Jews just chaffed under the Romans' control!. Watch the Life of Brian, has a great scene where they talk of all the stuff the Romans did- and they don't care!. 'What did the Romans ever do for us!?'Www@QuestionHome@Com

jews were the only monotheistic people around in those days!. Believing in one god and calling all others fake is an attitude wich does not lend itself towards assimilation!.

Anyway!.!.!.the grand expulsion is dated around 134 AD!. Jezus lived around (7/6 BC-23/24 AD!.!.!.corrected for astronomical mistakes)!. He's got nothing to do with this!.

In 130, Hadrian visited the ruins of Jerusalem, in Judaea, left after the First Roman-Jewish War of 66–73!. He promised to rebuild the city, but in doing so renamed it Aelia Capitolina after both himself and Jupiter Capitolinus, the chief Roman deity!. A new temple dedicated to the worship of Jupiter was also built on the ruins of the old Jewish Second Temple, which had been destroyed in 70!.[45] In addition, Hadrian abolished circumcision, which was considered by Romans and Greeks as a form of bodily mutilation and hence "barbaric"

Hence the second revolt (ofcourse partially funded by the parthians, no doubt); and inevitably !.!.diaspora!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Jews rebelled against the romans and even massacred a roman legion and that's one of the reasons why the romans destroyed their temple and expelled them, with many jews resettling in Andalusia spain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The jews kept revolting and refused to be assimilated into the conqueror's culture!. so the romans destroyed jerusalem and the temple!. enough was enough, from their view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they didn't - they conquered and subjugated them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Romans were threatened by the Jews!. Www@QuestionHome@Com