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Position:Home>History> Due to salt being one of the world's major commodities..?

Question: Due to salt being one of the world's major commodities!.!.!?
what roles did it play on men and women!? in other words how did societies organize themselves socially!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Salt has been a major commodity in world history, but it would not have defined gender roles or affected social organization any more than other commodities!. The Venetians built a monetary base selling sea salt!. Timbuktu of the Songhai Empire in present day Mali built a prosperous society based in part on the sale of salt as a commodity!. The Shawnee sent parties to gather and make salt in present day Kentucky!. Each culture handled the making of salt differently as far as the division of labor between men and women - if that is what you or your teacher are asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com