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Position:Home>History> Y did Hitler pick Doenitz as his succesor. I know Goering & Himmler betrayed him

Question: Y did Hitler pick Doenitz as his succesor!. I know Goering & Himmler betrayed him, but Y a naval man!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
scott l and peter gunn are full of stuff!. first, hitler did in fact name doenitz as a partial successor!. hitler's title was president and chancelor!. he named doenitz only as president!. goebbels was chancelor doenitz was not nearby!. he had evacuated his command to plon, on the north german coast next to himmler!.

the reason for doing so is straightforward!. wehrmacht generals were surrendering all over the place, while admirals were not!. hitler did not want any surrender!. he wanted germany to go down in flames!. the reputation of the german navy to scuttle or commit suicide was more or less still intact!. he wanted a successor who would keep the war going, even after adolf committed suicide!.

when speer said goodbye to hitler, he told him that he had flagrantly disobeyed his nero or scortched earth orders!. hitler was therefore on the outs with speer!. same with guderian who he fired in march!.

kesselring in in italy, and of the other loyal nazis who hitler still liked, von griem had just been given orders to go north and kill himmler!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

he did not pick him!.
actually hitler picked Joseph Goebbels as his successor but he followed hitler to the pages of history a few hours after the original führer!.
Doenitz was the highest ranking Nazi officer that was still present round Berlin, so he took it upon him to sign a cease fire with the Russians!. But even then there was still scattered resistance for the next couple of days!.
it wasn't untill the allies met up with the russians that the war was conisdered as fully over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were U-boats reportedly that carried approx!. 50 high ranking officials & gold down to secret bases built in Argentina and South Pole area, before and after the war was over, Doenitz was in charge of the U-boat fleet, the Patagonia Islands today a lot of German is spoken, did Hitler get out alive and a double was killed,!?, Eva Braun always wore her gold watch that Hitler had given her, no watch was found on that body, and Stalin was asked if Hitlers body was ever recovered, he emphatically stated NO!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler really didn't pick Doenitz!. But after a good deal of the top Nazi leadership either committed suicide or went into hiding, Doenitz was the senior remaining military officer who could be found and who could surrender in the name of Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
