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Position:Home>History> Omg somebpdy please help and give me information were i can find answers?

Question: Omg somebpdy please help and give me information were i can find answers!?
For the lead article, identify significant cause(s) or reason(s) for the war!. Include important battles or other events that directly impacted the outcome!. You want to include information on 3-4 key battles!.For instance, Europe - Battle for Britain, D-Day, North Africa campaign, the Italian campaign, Battle of the Bulge, Eastern front battles – Stalingrad!. Put the battle in historical context – what difference did victory or defeat mean!?

also discuss consequences or impacts of the war!. Go beyond the results of who won!. How was the world different as a result of the war!?

Your feature article should include:


A headline

At least 300, but no more than 600 words

At least 2 graphics

Part B - Causes, Course, and Consequences of the War in Asia:

Write a second feature article identifying significant cause(s) or reason(s) for the war!. Include important battles or other events that directly impacted the outcome!. also discuss consequences or impacts of the war!. Go beyond the results of who won!. How was the world different as a result of the war!?

Your second feature article should include:


A headline

At least 300, but no more than 500 words

At least 2 graphics

Part C - Letter to the Editor

For the editorial, offer your opinion on the moral questions raised by Hiroshima or Auschwitz!. (Was Hiroshima a military target!? Was the bomb necessary to end the war, or was Japan on the verge of surrender!? Would lives have been saved in the long run by bombing Auschwitz!?) You must include both sides of the issues, but clearly state what you think the most appropriate course of action was!.

Your editorial should:


Be between 200-400 words

Be a persuasive letter about either the necessity of dropping the atomic bomb or if Auschwitz and other death camps should have been bombed by the Allies!.

For a sample of an editorial, look at your local newspaper, usually on the next to last page of the first section!.
Part D - Women in War

This is an additional section which will focus on how women contributed to the war effort!. Address the contributions of women to the war effort!. You are not limited to the role of American or Allied women!. You can highlight what Russian or German women did!.

This section should be between 300-400 words!.
Part E - Advertising

A minimum of four advertisements!. These should advertise products or services available during the World War II period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Click the categories on the left-hand side of this page I've linked!. It should help get you started!.

Try your course notes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com