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Question: Hard cold war questions!.!?
1!. give three ways world war 2 and vietnam were different!.

2!. explain the ideas of "massive retaliation" and "brinkmanship," and give at least one example of them!.

3!. who was joseph mccarthy and what was mccarthyism!? why were so many afraid to challenge him!? explain mccarthy's goals, tactics, and what led to his downfall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. a!. In WWII it was clear who the enemy soldiers were!.
1!. b!. WWII was a global conflict of major powers while Vietnam was a political guerrilla war between a major power and an insurgent force!.
1!. c!. In WWII, the United States was attacked - - while America was not attacked first by communist Vietnamese!.

2!. "massive retaliation" was a threat of complete destruction by nuclear bombs and missiles if aggressive action was taken against a major power involved in the cold war - - primarily the USSR and the USA!.

"Brinkmanship" was best demonstrated during the Cuban Missile crisis of October, 1962 when the USSR and the USA squared off in a game of "Chicken" over the installation of Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba!.

McCarthy was a classic "fear monger" raising communism to the level of a "bogeyman!." The trouble with challenging Senator McCarthy was that he would then say you must be a 'pinko' communist to attack him!. People finally wised up to his alcoholic, unfounded rantings - but it took longer than it should have - - looking back in retrospect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can help you with number 1

Three ways World War 2 and Vietnam were different:
1) Vietnam was fought about communism, World War 2 was not
2) World War 2 involved a genocide (the Holocaust) whereas the Vietnam Was did not involve a genocide
3) World War 2 involved fighting around the globe while the fighting in Vietnam was focused in Vietnam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com