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Position:Home>History> Why are people so enamored with monarchs and nobility?

Question:In reality royalty were figure-heads in a tyrannical class that held power and office by force and fear.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In reality royalty were figure-heads in a tyrannical class that held power and office by force and fear.

I think it is all the fairy tales with kings, queens and princesses.

For much of history, monarchs were not figure heads but people who had real power. And whether they were good or bad, many of history's monarchs were fascinating and colourful personalities. Reading about them is seldom dull.

In ancient times Kings, Emporers and Pharoahs were considered to be actual Gods on Earth. As time went by they lost this pure "Godhood" but were thought of as Demigods.
They still retain this mystique although they are just people like the rest of us.

Get rich quick schemes in the capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics capitalism.

Profit existing in the capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the population with plain clothes agents, (with covert fake names and fake backgrounds).

Actual economics is the persons that are paying the business loans of companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for.

Capitalism is the psychology of imaginary parents, false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.

Anti-Democracy republicanism is the psychology of imaginary parents, and false government.