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Who was Reverend Thomas Barnard?

From Massachussets near the French and Indian war. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Reverend Thomas Barnard, Andover's assistant minister in 1692, is buried here beneath a simple headstone (Plate 27). Barnard graduated from Harvard College in I679 and came to Andover in 1682, joining Reverend Francis Dane. Barnard was present at the Andover meetinghouse during some of the examinations there. The accused were blindfolded, led before the afflicted girls, and made to touch them. It was presumptive proof of witchcraft if the witch's touch cured the girls' fits. The meetinghouse where these examinations took place stood on the triangular plot of land across from the cemetery at the intersection of Academy Road and Court Street. Barnard's epitaph reads: "Here Lyes Buried ye Body of ye Revernd Mr Thomas Barnard Who Departed this Life Octor 13th Anno Domi 1718 AEtatis Suae 62."

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