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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there anyone left with pure british ancestry? Blue blood?

Question: Is there anyone left with pure british ancestry!? Blue blood!?
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The British Isles were settled by the Beaker People!. Since then, Celts, Anglos, Saxons, Jutes and French, Danes, Norwegians, Romans and many other have invaded the islands!. In other words, they are not now nor have they been since the last ice age, of "pure" ancestry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mmm, what you have to remember is that the British, as a race of people, are already multi-racial!.

Many races have invaded and conquered Britain several times!.

The British are descended from: the French, the Germans, the Anglo Saxons, the Vikings, the Irish, Spanish Moors etc etc!.

This article provides a definition of blue blood:

The British are the English, Scots, Welsh and also people of the state of Northern Ireland!.

England had Celts!. Then the Romans came and their soldiers were from all over the world!. After that, the Germanic Anglo, Saxons and Jutes!. Then the Danes were next to conquer!. Then came the Normans from France!.

There is no such thing as a pure nationality or a pure race or ethnicity!.

Blue Blood is just a title given to people of royal ancestry irregardless of the country!.

Actually, the current royal family of Britain is more German than anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe we do have regulars here, who have worked their ancestry, and (to the furthest of their research) have full British/English lineage, as far back as they go!. Each of them are unique!.!. and much depends on what you define or research, as to "where the English" come from!. I normally don't deal with that!.!. since it is far more historical or perhaps archaelogical!.
My definition of "blue blood" is more that persons are of prominent, noble, or royal lines!. Of course, there are such persons "out there", just as there are persons who have less "prominent" ancestry, or a mix of the two!.
Genealogy (by definition) is about identifying your precise ancestry, as to who/where/when and their relationships!. Social classifying is not necessarily a component of that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mom was diagnosed with a weird illness similar in symptoms to Lyme disease in 1986!. Supposedly, those with this illness can hypothetically trace their Celtic lineage back 25 generations, so you might say it is the Scottish and Irish equivalent of Tay-Sachs or sickle-cell anemia!. We live in Texas; but at that time, everyone else with the disease lived in either Scotland or Ireland, and my mother's ancestry is predominantly Scottish (the Inner Hebrides and Argyll) and Irish (Donegal)!.

I'm not sure about the royal part!. At any rate, if this analysis is correct, I saves me the money I would otherwise spend getting a DNA test!. However, my great (seven generations back) maternal grandmother was Dutch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically speaking since nobody can trace their ancestry back to the earliest humans on the planet it's not really possible to claim that anyone is pure blood of any race!. As for the other answer that everyone has blue blood that of course is a myth that blood is blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

really no such thing as "pure ancestory" anyway!. Which "pure" British ancestory do you mean!? The Celts and Picts!? The Saxons and Jutes!? The Norse and Danes!? Roman!? Normans!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

British Ancestry is mainly Ancient British Ancestry there is no such thing as pure British Ancestry Britain was taken over by all sorts of different nationalities the Welsh are the true Britons the true Natives of BritainWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm of British ancestoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

every one has blue blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com