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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does i/e stand for?

Question:While doing research on the Ellis Island site, next to sister it had i/e does anyone know what this stand for? thanks..nancy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While doing research on the Ellis Island site, next to sister it had i/e does anyone know what this stand for? thanks..nancy

I don't, and the three people above me don't even know what you are talking about; they think you saw "i.e." in a book, magazine or newspaper. I do have a suggestion - ask again on a real genealogy board, such as

It is smaller than YA but much more focused. Most of the people who answer there will know what the Ellis Island site is. Best of luck!

usually in (for) example

stands for
id est

LATIN- id est, meaning- it is

Where did she immigrate from? i/e could mean Ireland.

As for the previous comments:
i.e. means "that is" and an explanations follows
e.g. means "for example" and an example follows