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Position:Home>Genealogy> When a person's last name begins with an "Rz", what were his foreb

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Without knowing the surname itself, just based on the Rz I would suspect Polish. Rz is a polish digraph (two letters used together to produce a single sound). The pronunciation often has nothing to do with the individual letters (consider the english digraph Ph which is pronounced like an "f" or the english "ch" which has it's own unique sound).

It is very difficult to represent the actual sound of Rz using the arabic alphabet.


Russia or Cheque Republuc.

Possible Arab name and that is most likely Middle East origin but he/she might be born and living in USA/Europe.

Easten europe somewhere, maybe poland or slovakia.

I don't know, but Besos's answer sounds right because of words like "czar" - Russian is the language that uses the letter z that way.

we have people living near us with the Rz prefix their nationality is Ukrainian origin

Africa, if he is African-American.
China, if his father married a Chinese lady.
England, if the family moved there in 1612.
Austia-Hungary or Burgundy maybe, although those two are not countries today.

The only way to know for sure is to trace back. Probably somewhere in Eastern Europe maybe, with Poland being a likely suspect, but the borders of Poland have shifted over time.

He could be 7/8ths Cherokee, too, if 7 out of 8 of his great grandparents (all but his father's father's father) were Cherokees. In that case his ancestors were probably from Georgia or Alabama, then Oklahoma.