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Position:Home>Dancing> How long did it take you to get back to dance after...?

Question: How long did it take you to get back to dance after!.!.!.!?
So I've just found out I have to have a knee operation!.!.!.
Wow, I really don't want to, it's a lateral release!. Will this stop me from dancing professionally!? It was going to be in November, but I'm having it postponed till July, if my knee holds out that long, so I can have another competition season!. How long did it take you to get back after one of these!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on the person, the injury, the sport, the environment etc!. That's what I learned after having an operation to repair three torn ligaments in my ankle!. I thought I could go in, get it fixed, get out and dance again!. Didn't work like that!. I had the op, couldn't even walk for 3 weeks, let alone dance!. It took another 4 weeks before I could exercise properly!. I was back training in dance and gymnastics within 15 weeks overall!.
Like I said, it depends on the injury etc!. It might only have taken me 15 weeks because gymnastics is very demanding on the ankles, with hard landing etc, so it took longer!. Might take you less time, might take you more!.
Whatever you do LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR!. They don't have a medical degree for nothing y'know! I wanted to rush past things and ignore what my consultant told me, but I realised that in order to get back to dance & gymnastics, I had to take in what they were saying!.

Good luck,


My sister had a knee operation about a year ago!. She recovered very nicely and was able to do light exercise after just a few months!. Now she can run and do all sorts of things now!. She's not a dancer definitely!.!.!.!.but she was able to do physical activity easily after about 6 months!.

Listen to your doctor!. Rest your knee!. The more you rest!.!.!.the quicker you will recover!. It won't necessarily keep you from dancing professionally!.!.!.just let your knee recover!.


hmmm!.!.!. i had reconstructive knee surgery!.!.it suckd lol i had to wear a brace for about 3 mnths, and used crutches for atleast 2!. And i went to pt!.!.!.for 6mnths!. So it took me 6 mnths almost 7 to get bak in!.!.but now i'm dncing like b4!.

Good luck!.!.!.i hope u have a fast recovery!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ask your doctor or whoever is doing the operation!.
and make sure you take good care of your knee if you can compete!.Www@QuestionHome@Com