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Question: How to dance without making a fool of yourself!?
I am not much of a "freak dancer", but im going to this party soon and im single but want to maybe get some women there!. How should i dance without making a fool of myself or not knowing how to "freak"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thats the point be a freak be spontaneous!! It'll show that you aren't' afraid to be yourself and that your proud of the way you dance!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practicing in front of the mirror while music is playing will give you an idea how you're doing!. Point is you have to practice to make your moves look natural!. also watch some dance moves from youtube (music videos, search for freak dance)!.
also even if the dance moves are hard or not you style its nice to see whats cool - I like watching Rising Sun and O from DBSK (Korean artists) Watch facial expressions of the dancers and copy the ones that are attractive to you that are not exaggerated - facial expression to me is part of dancing!. Again watch yourself in the mirror (cause this might back fire --kekeke) You just don't want to have a blank goofy look!.

If you are not confident just make sure to keep your elbows closer to your body, don't raise your arms up higher than elbows unless elbows are higher than armpits (arms over your head) - it just looks goofy if you're not comfortable!. Practice moving shoulder forward and backward (one side at a time), upward and down (one side at a time and then both sides at the same time), and side to side (keeping head in the center) to the beat!. Think arcs not straight line!. also its cooler if you don't make too big movement from the waist down!. Practice lightly marching to the beat as you works the shoulders like mentioned!. if you can isolate the hips you're there!.

If all this is confusing - Stick to the first paragraph!. Don't hurt yourself!.
Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hopefully you have friends at the party both guys and girls if you
dance with your friends you can do the same with anyone else
im only 13 and i wuz scared to dance at my school!. but i really wanted to
so i juss let go and juss danced you gotta learn to let go and juss move your body the way you want it too bruhWww@QuestionHome@Com

you can't dance without making a fool of yourself!. There is always going to be someone who thinks that you are crazy or can't dance!. Just dance the way you want to and don't worry about what other people think or say!. They're the crazy ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

www!.learnclubdance!.com!. the dvds are brilliant! and they give you a 14day free trial and there quick on delivery to!. They tell you how to approach woman as well!. I'm telling every one about this because i got the female version and its brilliant!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can use your crazy weird dancing as a conversation piece or something to laugh overWww@QuestionHome@Com

For complete instructions, find the Frank Zappa tune, "Dancing Fool!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not much of a dancer but i say just move to the music and get into it! who cares if people think ur wierd!!? someone out there will like ur moves Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't care so much of what people think of you just go there and pretend like your an amazing dancer women love confidenceWww@QuestionHome@Com