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Position:Home>Dancing> Getting into the Rave scene?

Question: Getting into the Rave scene!?
Alright I'm still a little too young for rave (16) but They look like a blast and when I turn 18 I want to get involved in the rave scene!.
What can you tell me to help me fit in a rave!? What are the basics to dancing!? I really don't know much but I'm trying to learn!. What are some rave terms!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically raves promote freedom so you can dance alone without caring much about how well you dance, is a more relaxed environment, I can suggest you to learn more about the music styles: drum & base, jungle, IDM and others; you can read and know DJs in many websites like Last!.fm or others; that could also let you be in contact with people who know better about the subject and also check the clothing and style in raves!. Contrary to what others think is not necessarily an illegal party with drugs, there are plenty of legally organized parties in many cities; many raves are organized by groups of people with a brand, some of them can even notify you about the parties nearby through your Facebook or MySpace, search for the ones that organize raves near your city!. Www@QuestionHome@Com


that fad will probably be over by the time your 18!.Www@QuestionHome@Com