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Position:Home>Dancing> Starting Ballet, Jazz, Hip hop, Contemporary!!???

Question: Starting Ballet, Jazz, Hip hop, Contemporary!!!?!?!?
I want to know what I can do to prepare for the classes!. Which ones would be harder than others!? Its my first time doing all of them!. How could I move up in those classes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you should deffinitely strech alot (so that youre quite flexible)!. remember to strech your whole body, not just your legs!.
you should also get strength in your feet (this is espesialy important in ballet)!. practise a lot at home!. these classes are very different from each other and they are all hard in different ways!. i dont know the standard of your dancing school so its really hard to say which is harder!. in ballet there is a lot of technique so practise your technique a lot at home!. If you've got talent, listen to your teacher and practise at home you should'nt have much trouble moving up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com