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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet after pregnancy?

Question: Ballet after pregnancy!?
Ballet was a big thing for me and I have been doing it for 13 years now, but I am pregnant with triplets and for obvious reasons had to stop!.My question is, will my body ever be fit for ballet again!? How long after!? I will be having a c-section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, you'll be able to do it again!. It will take a little while for your body to become fit again and to adjust to ballet!. But it's completely possible!. : )

Wow! Triplets!? That's awesome!. I'm sure you'll make a great mother!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would talk to your doctor about it!. Hes really the only one who will know for sure!. But one or two months after your feeling good and heathly i would try it again!. If it proves to be too much then stop!. You can always make your body fit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it will take time to get back in shape but your muscle memory is embedded in you after 13 yrs of it!. just wait until your c section heals and you can get back in the studio right away!. good luck with the triplets and the ballet!Www@QuestionHome@Com