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Position:Home>Dancing> In tap, what is the difference between a stamp and a stomp?

Question: In tap, what is the difference between a stamp and a stomp!?
I just accidently posted this in Law and Ethics! OOPS!!! Anyways, I have had too long of a break since June, so can someone refresh my memory!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is strait from tapdance!.org

SP -STAMP (full foot step that gets weight change!.
"Lick it and STICK it!")
SM -STOMP (full foot step that does NOT get a weight change!.)
This is not what the other people have said but sometimes there are different interpretations of different steps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A stamp is where you put your foot down but bring in back up immediatly!. A stomp is where you put all of your weight on you foor when you put it down and leave it there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stamp is when you push your foot down and bring it right back up
Stomp is when you push your foot down and leave it there Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stomp is when you put the whole foot down!.
Stamp is just the ball of your foot!.
