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Question: Daughters & Ballet!.!?
When my daughter's were younger I wanted to put them in ballet however, they were too shy!. Now that they're a bit older (6&8!.) They want to sign up for it, They both have two totally different personalities the youngest is very girly and prissy, the oldest is a bit tom-boyish!. My younger one is all over it because she of course wants to be a "princess ballerina" when she's older!. My oldest wants to join cause she thinks it will keep her in good shape when soccer's not in season!. My concern is that they waited so long to sign up that they'll have to be in classes with kids a lot younger than them!.!.!.!. is this true!? I want them to take this very seriously and have fun, but I'm afraid I've waited too long to get them in!. Are six and eight too old to sign up for first time ballet!? Any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The six year old is definitley not too old!.!.!. she will probably be at about the same place as any other six year old!. The eight year old might be placed in a younger class but because she is older and more mature she will probably progress faster than your younger daughter and will be moved up to those who are her own age!.!.!.!.!.A lot of dancers that have gone professional start between ten and twelve years old so I dont think that you have to worry about having waited too long!.!.!. they should pick it up right away!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, they are not to young as long

as they're not in creative movement classess

(toddlers) if they're in pre-ballet it's

a 90% chance that they'll be the youngest

and I was just suggesting that your princess

ballerina could take ballet and your tomboy

girl should take hip-hop classes AND

ballet if she really wants to but I think

modern ballet would also be really good for

her because modern ballet isn't really

peaceful and gentle like classical ballet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I don't think that it is too late, at first they might be put into a group with younger kids but because they are older it could happen that they will pick things up quicker than other kids so they will get transferred to their own age group!. You said that the older girl is a tom-boy so may be she will like gymnastics better and it will most definitely keep her in shape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think they are too old!. especially if its starting out seasonal, becuase its easy to forget what you learn over the rest of the year!. Just a suggestion about the older though, if shes just up for keeping in shape, and is a bit more tom-boyish, you could always try jazz or modern!. its fun and upbeat, and not so girly!. On the question though, many students start at thier age!. Its not that big of a deal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, they're not too old!. many studios have begining ballet classes for many different age groups!. at my studio, there is even teenage begining ballet classes!.!.so i would check into the studios near you and see what they have!.!.and if they are placed with girls younger than them, they'll probably catch on quicker, and be moved up very soon!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO WAY!. They are deffinitly not too old!. I started when i was 10 and my dance school put me in classes with my age group!. A lot of other girls your daughters ages and my ages want to start again it is perfectly normal!. If i were you i would try 3 different dance schools and see if they have classes for the age group!. Most likely they will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com