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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it possible to learn windmill (breakdance) in 2 months?

Question: Is it possible to learn windmill (breakdance) in 2 months!?
Is it possible to learn windmill (breakdance move) in 2 months!?

If i dont have any dance history or anything!.!.!.

But i'll practice like everyday!.

im 5'8, 145 lbs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes it is, but it really depends on your physiology!. On first look, 5'8 @ 145 lbs is pretty good, but it depends on your upper to lower body muscle ratio, and how well you can hold the basic freeze!. I can just now do the windmill (not perfectly) and it's been about 2 months (I too had no "dance history")!.
I found this video to be the most useful: http://youtube!.com/watch!?v=Zc51lLqEgKo

ps!. I'm 5'9 @ 154 lbs, so weight is not really a factor; one of my friends is 280 lbs + and can almost do a windmill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

may be try to loose a little weight but it is possialbe i learned it about 2 or3 weeksWww@QuestionHome@Com