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Question: Help dancin' !?
Oka I am a really good choreographer/dancer!. But I'm 12!!!!!! I don't know wat 2 do!. 'Tis my dream!.I live in a small town outside of a bigtown!. With gas prices I can't take dance lessons!!!!! Stay in the closet or Live my dream somehow!?!?!? If live my dream, How!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The answer is Live Your Dream! your never going to be happy with yourself if you dont!. how!? well, i think you just have to wait for the right sitsuation!. maybe pull some strings or make a few calls to a studio!. but if this is your destiny, im sure it'll work out!. maybe when you get older you can pay your way to New York on broadway!. I know how you feel though, I'm 13 and my dream is to become an actress!. But lessons arent working out for me either!.

Best of Luck!
From One Dreamer To Another,

live your dream! if it is something you want then you should go after it! you have to work hard for it! i would suggest maybe getting a job to pay for the petrol costs!. i know that you are 12 but maybe you can do some odd ends around the place, help some elderly people do their shopping or you could do some babysitting for friends or family!. if you want this you will find a way but you are also showing that you are serious and really want it!. if your parents see that in you they will more than likely be willing to drive you there or somehow get you there! they only want you to be happy! so go for it use that creative mind of yours and make it happen!. you will thank yourself after! good luck and happy dancing! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really Really talk to your parents!. Explain your passion to them!. Sometimes they don't always tell us what we want to hear, so if that happens, you have to really work for it! Try to take a summer camp where you stay and don't have to drive over and back every day!. also read up, watch videos!. They have instructional videos at your library!. Most important, don't give up! If you want it bad enough, it will happen!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com