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Question: Dancee help!!?
is it hard to learn lyrical if you have had no ballet or dance experience!?
i have only done gymnastics before but i really want to get into dance and i was just wondering if that type of dance is hard!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
actually!.!.!.!.!.yes it will be hard!. if you have only done gymnastics your body is used to more rough exercises!. Dancing is about grace, and completely letting your body flow with energy!. Especially for lyrical and ballet!. Mostly lyrical!. In lyrical you have (honestly) let the music carry you!. It is NOT about making this move before that move, it is about connecting your moves all together, and connecting a puzzle!. You should probably take a few classes!. take it from someone who knows!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i take lyrical, ballet, pointe, jazz, and i used to take tap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have a good grounding with gymnastics!. If you have ever done rhythmical gymnastics then you're even further on your way!. You will already have the flexibility and stamina to learn lyrical, you will just have to get used to moving to music, rather than learning sequences of steps!. You will also have to get creative by interpreting the music you're dancing to into movement!. I'm sure you'll love it - good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly any technique is hard to without any dance training!.!.!.lyircal envolves alot of felxability and strength (which you might have casue of gymnastics)!. There are also alot of turns, runs, leaps, and floor work!. But lyrical also needs emotion!. It's based on releasing and showing emotion and fluidity through diffrent dance movements!. Basiclly it's a combination of ballet and jazz!. If you work really hard I bet you can do it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it will be harder!. you should probably take some ballet also if you take lyrical because you need all the technique and basic knowledge of certain turns, positions, and steps!. you most likely have a strong core from gymnastics so you wont have to worry about that, but you have to be really dedicated and work hard in a ballet class to learn the technique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u need some training for most dancing but lyrical is actually very hard because you need ballet and strength to hold your legs and body positiions which usually means flexibility and a strong core!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.if you do have a lot of stomach and leg strength you should try and u can start anyway!.!.!.!.u will get better just dont set 2 high of expectations for urselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

even though lyrical is a mix of modern, jazz, and ballet!.!.!. ballet moves are not really in any lyrical dances!. The lyrical dances i have seen are made up of modern teqnique and jazz teqnique!. jazz like pirwowettes, botmas, and leaps!. i cant tell u any modern moves because there arnt really names for modern!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it totally depends on how graceful you are!. Lyrical is a mix of jazz, ballet, and modern dancing!. It usually tells a story!. All you need to do is get into the dance and give it your best shot!. I would totally do lyrical if I was you because it is so much fun and worth your time!. Go 4 it! Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com