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Question: Gift ideas for dance teachers!?
When I graduate I will have been dancing at the same place for 15 years!. Does anyone have any great gift ideas that I can get for my teachers!? I want it to be something meaningful, not an everyday gift!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was backstage with professional dancers who all have taught for years!. They were talking about all the gifts they had gotten!. Gift cards for places they don't like, food and candy they could do without!. Enough dance ornaments to fill two Christmas trees!. They weren't being ungrateful, they truly appreciated being remembered!. But I think what would touch them the most is you writing a letter telling how much they have influenced your life!. What dance has meant to you!. Let them know in your own words how much you appreciate all the time, effort and knowledge they have given you!.

They will remember that letter years from now, more so than some ballet frame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can get some personalized portraits for your teachers done at http://www!.paintyourlife!.com according to your specifications!.If you know what they like – pets, famous personalities, musicians, etc you could get some photos of those things or personalities and send them to this company’s professional artists, who will turn them into a classical-looking oil painting or other type of portrait!. They have great gift ideas for every occasion!
The same company also makes wonderful photo prints on canvas in various designs!. Visit http://www!.photo-print-on-canvas!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

A bag of mangos (call em tangos), a sack of cashews (call em dancing shews), a bottle of Rum (call it the RUMba), a stuffed monster (call it the boogie man), a lemon lime (call it the twist), a basketball (for ballroom), and so on and so forth!.

make it meaningful and absolutely absurd!.

oh yeah, a discoball trophy would be nice; and you can always say that dancing with them is like dancing with the stars!. (i know right, cheesy, but it hits the spot)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could do a short film based on how ur life has changed being under their guidance!.!.it's more personal and i can forsee tears forming in eyes!. but it takes a lot of time and planning, not really practical for more than 2 teachers!.!.!.

a trophy of appreciation!?
a scrap book made by you and you can fill it up with meaningful moments, like pictures you've taken with them over the years!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really nice dance bag (like with thier initials or a mantra that they say on it)

Scrapbook/Framed pic of u guys and the other ppl u danced with

Anything that would do with thier other hobbies outside of the studioWww@QuestionHome@Com

a collage (dont' know if i spelt that right) of pictures from past dance recitals, competitions or around the studio!. I do thate very year for my dance teacher!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you do ballet then maybe a shoe carved out of clay!.!.!. sounds weird my friends made one and it was beautiful!. You could get something engraved on the shoe!. Hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Find out what interests the teacher has and base your decision on thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some White Or Red Wine!?
