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Position:Home>Dancing> Dancing/ Being light on your feet?

Question:I'm going to take some dancing classes soon, but I want to start practicing being light on my feet. Does anyone know of any exercises that I can do to get me lighter on my feet and more agile, etc?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going to take some dancing classes soon, but I want to start practicing being light on my feet. Does anyone know of any exercises that I can do to get me lighter on my feet and more agile, etc?

What kind of dancing classes are you talking about? Partner style dance classes, or ballet style?
If it's ballet style, you can practice basic jumping (youtube basic ballet jumps) like "changements" just to practice jumping right now.
If it's partnering, you can watch episdoes of "Dancing With the Stars" to see how they're always talking about being on the balls of your feet. Being light on your feet also includes not putting all your weight on your heels.
That's where I'd start.

My dance teachers always tell us to try and
land in pliƩ, so it makes less noise.

Practice with changments, sautes.

well the main point is is just like before u land u flex ur whole body including ur legs and feet so when u land it doesnt make dat much noise.