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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Whats the best way to get prints done of my paintings?


Whats the best way to get prints done of my paintings?

I am interested in selling prints of my paintings rather than the originals. Is there a preferred way of doing this for artists? and how do I deal with copyright issues?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Djr, join ArtWanted! You can post your work on your own page (up to three pieces for free and rotate them as often as you want) and offer prints of the work. ArtWanted will make quality prints of your artwork and handle the sale for you. It's a really great site.... you get to see who and how many people visit each piece of art and many will leave comments for you about the work. I am getting over 250 hits a day... check it out and let me know what you think,
I am looking forward to seeing your work there. Good luck!