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Help please with my novel??

My ex-boyfriend strung me along for five years and treated me like a piece of trash. Now I married a man that loves me and I cannot forget the other or love my husband. Details: my ex is a muslim and I am thinking about put fiction in the book and giving it a terrorist backgrond???????? Is it a good book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Seriously, if you took the time that you have spent posting this SAME question a dozen times and worked on your book, you may have had the first chapter written already! So what is keeping you from turning off the internet and writing?

If you want to write the novel, then write it. Do not write a book for other people or for fame or for fortune. That is not why successful authors write. If you think this is a story that you need to tell, then just write it.

Stop hunting for approval on Yahoo. Just because you finally get people to say that it is an interesting idea does not make it any better or worse. All it does it make us really sick of you spamming up the place asking the same thing over and over.

The way that you post this, I do not think you are married. These seem to be the actions of a young teenager seeking attention. If you are a grown woman, you should know better.