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Is this a decent poem?

By ??The Unnoticed Poet??

They say that destiny is predetermined
And nothing can be done to change it
The day of death
The day of birth
The discovery of love
Already decided
This is always said
And this is not true
There is nothing planned
Nothing is certain to happen
Though it may seem as it is
It shall never be
We forge our own path
And we create our own destiny

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6 months ago
By ??The Unnoticed Poet??

They say that destiny is predetermined
And nothing can be done to change it
The day of death
The day of birth
The discovery of love
Already decided
This is always said
And this is not true
There is nothing planned
Nothing is certain to happen
Though it may seem as it is
We make our own choices
We forge our own path
And we create our own destiny

6 months ago
That is the slightly edited version... And if anybody cares... I did write it. And I'm happy to hear that its not horrible. Thanks to all

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

That is a very nice poem, did you write it? If you did you should make it known, you are brilliant.