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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Pls Recommend books like "The Kushiel Series" by Jaqueline Carey? Like

Question: Pls Recommend books like "The Kushiel Series" by Jaqueline Carey!? Liked strong female characters and intrigue!?
I liked the strong female characters, the intrigue, the sex, and the romance!. I also liked that it wasn't about a whiny woman who did not believe in herself!.!.!. I am open to the the alternate reality, but not limited by it!. I am not really into pure "romance" novels!. They need to have more depth to them!. I also liked "The Other Boleyn Girl" By Phillipa Gregory - History also intrigues me as long as it isn't written like a biography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you should definately check out The Ancient Future book and trilogy by Traci Harding! Great Female lead who gets pulled back into the 6th century and falls in love with a prince!.!.!.!.it is really a fantastic book!.!.!.!.and sucks you in completelyWww@QuestionHome@Com