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Question: Im trying to find the name of this novel!?
its about a boy who grows up and marries his mother!. the priests said that the boy will grow up to kill his father!.!. so his father decided to kill the boy!. so he gave him to a servant to kill but the servant gave him to a king in a different place!. the boy became king!. and then one day he came back to his homeplace (not knowing it was his homeplace) and killed his father (no knowing it was his father) and fell in love with his mother and married her!. !.!. if anyone knows the name of this novel i would appreciate it if you let me know what it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
actually, it's not a book, it's a play!. The play is called OEDIPUS and is the first of a trilogy!. The other two are OEDIPUS AT COLONUS and ANTIGONE!.

The plays were written by Sophocles!.


Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the KIngWww@QuestionHome@Com