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Question: Write about 4 women in shows or books!?
write about 4 women in shows or books n write if they r postiitve or negative n put a lil bit info about them

they should be characters like hermione grangerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Phoebe Buffay (Friends) - an eccentric masseuse and musician!. POSSITIVE

Dr!. Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy) - Surgical Resident!. NEGATIVE

Miranda Hobbes (Sex and the City) - she is a career-minded lawyer with extremely cynical views on relationships and men!. NEGATIVE

Betty Suarez (Ugly Betty) - Executive Assistant to the Editor in Chief at MODE!. POSITIVEWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is one of those times where I feel as though the inquisitor doesn't know the power of the internet!. You should be able to go to google or yahoo, or any of the other one-thousand search engines and pull up women in theatre, women in history, women inventors, women scientist, women in literature, women in television, women in film and find tons of names that you can pin down by then typing into wikipedia, websters on line or american heritage on line!. You can even go to your local library or go to library on-line!.
You're not going to learn enough just by being told, the purpose of these assignments is also to learn how to research and though this is fast and easy you'll miss out all the serious research tools you'll need for college if you're already short changing yourself!.
Consider the question!. Do you want women in 'shows' (theatre or television) and do you want the actresses or the characters they play!. Do you want only the characters in books and if so why not look at some of the other questions asked on answers and see what female characters are being written about and then research them!. Again show some creativity in taking a shortcut!. Don't just plop the question on here and expect it should get done the way you want!. Homework is so that in the future you'll be one of the people adept enough to answer the questions!.


Here is a list of some fun literary/tv heroines and villainesses you might be familiar with:

Hermione Granger
Dolores Umbridge
Bella Swann
Buffy Summers
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace
Anne Shirley
Jo March
Elizabeth Bennett
Scout Finch
Veronica Mars
Dana Scully

If you're getting started in feminist criticism, here is an example of the kind of analysis you could do: http://hubpages!.com/hub/battlestargalact!.!.!.

The Bechdel Test, which I discussed in that essay, is a really great starting point for thinking about positive portrayals of girls and women in popular culture!. Twilight, for example, isn't fit to lick Buffy the Vampire Slayer's shoes in that regard!. It portrays a girl with no outside interests and no real female friends who falls in love with a man (who stalks and controls her, no less) and abandons her former life completely to be with him!. Buffy wasn't as feminist a show as it is sometimes made out to be, but at least she was a fully realized human being in her own right, not some dull shadow who exists only to fall in love!.

Another example of this sort of criticism (though not one I always agree with - as far as I'm concerned, the only one that's completely right is Amidala, and River Tam, especially, is way, way off base) is here: http://www!.cracked!.com/article_16587_hol!.!.!.

The comments on that article are good too, and some are smarter than the article itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure if you mean shows as in TV or Movies, but here are four fabulous women in books - do some research on them - there is plenty of information out there about all of them:

Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Josephine March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Alice from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Catherine from Wuthering Heights by Emily BronteWww@QuestionHome@Com

haha, I thought this was for a serious assignment and I'm starting to think of Kate Chopin and Nella Larsen characters for you and then I see, "characters like hermione grager" - L O LWww@QuestionHome@Com