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Question: Good romance books for young adults!?
I really love reading when I can find a good book!.!.!. I enjoy romance books, especially ones set in the past!.!.!. Medieval/Victorian times are ideal!. With some action, of course, not completely lovey-dovey!. For example, I loved the book 'Beauty' by Robin McKinley, if anyone's read that!. I know this is a lot to ask, but does anyone have any suggestions!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
May McGoldrick's "The Flame" is a really good historical romance!. This girl's home/castle is burned down and her family dies, but she survives--secretly--and remains hidden in the walls or passages of the castle!. When the new owner goes to live there, he starts seeing her and at first wonders if she's a ghost but soon finds out she's still alive and is attracted to her!. Together they figure out who burned the castle and why they wanted her family dead!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyers!

I know that it's modern, and it's about vampires, aaaand you've probably heard so much about it in the past month that you can get sick of it before even reading it, but it really is all about the lovin'!.

Orrrrr the Great and Terrible Beauty Trilogy by Libba Bray!. This series is set in Victorian England, though it isn't quite as romance-centred as Twilight!. Plus a warning that you should only begin the trilogy if you are prepared to keep an open mind about a lot of things!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alanna : The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness Series #1)
by Tamora Pierce

I love this series!. There are four books in her story then the series goes on to follow others and children of others and so on all within the same world!. It is set in medieval era but different world; a world with magic!. Alanna wants to become a knight but because a girl must fake being a boy for awhile!. Has both action and love!. Great story!.

The Golden Compass
by Pullman

First book in a series of three!. The romance kicks in in the second book!. All are worth reading!. One of those book series that makes you say "Wow" and gets you thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

holy cow the twilight series is perfect! Its got a decent amount of action along with some really heart-felt romance!. I really enjoyed the series because the romance wasn't like, throw-up romance, it was sweet, realistic, and not cheesy as well as not entirely focused on sex like most romances are these days!. also, the romance throughout the series contains alot of old-fashioned chivalry and genuine adoration!. It was amazing :] hope you like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know about medieval books (other than pride and prejudice, jane eyre, and other classics) but i really enjoy sarah dessen's books!. theyre very realistic!. nicholas sparks is the king of romances, you could try his books out too!. theyre realistic fiction as well : )

ive also heard from at least 20 people that the twilight series is really good!. and since the movie's coming out this november, now's the perfect time to start reading it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight, Stephenie Meyer!. This is a romane story, but it still has heaps of action! it's not set in Victorian etc times tho!.

also, Love lessons, Jacqueline Wilson!. it's set in modern times, but the main charecter and her family are very old fashioned!. I think you'll enjoy this book!

hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series are really good (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

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