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Can anyone please give me notes on the book "mans search for meaning" By Victor Frankel? 10PTS to whoevere is the most helpful. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi,
Can anyone please give me notes on the book "mans search for meaning" By Victor Frankel? 10PTS to whoevere is the most helpful. Thanks's_Searc...

just go to and they summerize up any book in a few paragraphs and its free!

No....I don't know that book....but if you want to search for meaning look within works...

The first half of the book describes Frankl's experiences in a series of concentration camps during World War II. He observes that secure, thoughtful people exhibited more ability to survive than the physically strong. He also describes how prisoners found ways to humanize their conditions. He claims that individuals are responsible for their own mental attitude and can find hope within themselves no matter what hardships they face. Doing so is necessary for survival.

The second part of the book is about logotherapy, Frankl's method of psychiatry. He explains that Freud emphasizes the past while he points to the future, asking clients what is the meaning of their continued existence