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Question: Physics for Photography!?
Do I need a Physics course to be a photographer!? The college I'm looking at doesn't mention it, but my Physics book does!. And if so, why!?

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Cameras are tools !.!.!. in that sense, have to be designed with physics in mind !.!.!.!. the ruggedness of the camera and lens is of course built around the known physical forces encountered by camera and lens!. The focusing of all visible light to a film plane is the result of thousands of mathematical calculations based upon the physics of light!.

But do you as a photographer have to know how to design lenses and construct camera bodies and lenses !.!.!. NO, of course not!.

You seem to be over-thinking photography!. Photography is the blend of totally understanding the technical aspects of your camera, lens and light with an eye that "sees" in a creative, intuitive way to create perfectly exposed and composed images that attract the eye of viewers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Taking the broad view, I'd say a basic understanding of physics is essential for any educated person, even if it's just one of those "physics for poets" courses!. But you don't need to know any of that to be a photographer!. A practical understanding of light and optics is useful, but not strictly necessary!. Www@QuestionHome@Com