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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have a question about telephoto lenses?

Question: I have a question about telephoto lenses!?
How do lenses make things REALLLLLYYYY FAR AWAY, seem "right-up-close!." Such as in the movie "Body of Lies!." The camera with the telephoto lense is REALLY HIGH up in the sky, but it can show people sitting in a outdoor diner, eating!. Right down to the forks!. How do lenses do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You'll need a REALLLLYYY big lens!. In order to buy one of those, you'll need a REALLLLYYY big bank account!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The name of the movie isn't just 'Body of Lies' but the imagery you are referring too is also!.!.!. it's part of the effects!.

Lenses that do military quality observations are classified and not available to the general public yet!. Just as we've only recently been permitted to realize gps locations to within 3' for search and rescue applications, the type of digital replication you are seeing in movies is only speculative from a limited need to know aspect!.

The military secrets that the public gets fed is permitted only to gauge public response!.

You are seeing special effects!.
