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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What two colors can I blend to make aqua? What 2 colors to make brown?

Question:I have paints, but no aqua and brown, so I need help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have paints, but no aqua and brown, so I need help.

If you mix blue and green together, you'll have blue-green. Lighten it with white and you'll have aqua. There's no way to do it with two colors, unless you have purchased a premixed pale blue and a premixed pale green.

You can make brown by combining any two complementary colors. Red and green is usually the easiest, since there are so many reds and greens available as tube colors (as opposed to oranges and purples, which you'd need in order to mix with blues and yellows respectively).

blue n white. idk

green and yellow make aqua. Red and yellow make brown.

aqua ~green and blue, plus white,

brown ~blue/ red/ yellow mix is mud brown,
if you have black, could use to darken orange,

ArtRage 2


Try mixing purple and red to make different shades of brown.

Take blue and mix a little green and white to get aqua.

For aqua combine blue and green and add white if you're working with opaque paints.

For brown, purple and orange or yellow work well.

red and green make brown
blue green and a little white will make aqua
or blue + yellow + black bit by bit till you get what you want

Aqua is the short term for Aquamarine. Aquamarine can be created using Brilliant Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light, and Titanium White. Depending on the chemical viscosity of paint suspension (oil, acrylic, or water), the combination will be slightly adjusted. I'll suggest the acrylic formula that I use. Start with Titanium White in a large enough quantity to cover your areas on the canvas. To the TW, add your Brilliant Blue mixing with brush sparingly until you get a pretty sky blue that looks pastel. At this point, using your paint brush to add to its tip just a small tad of Cadmium Yellow Light. If you add too much CYL, your pretty pastel sky blue will go pale yellow green fast, so add the CYL very very sparingly. That should do it. However, some people use Ultramarine Blue instead of Brilliant Blue, UMB goes green too fast so I don't recommend it.

As for brown (depending on the shade of brown), you can mix any purple with any yellow. Or you can mix reds with greens. Both approaches result in various shades of brown. The basics to brown is just mixing a blue with a red and then with a yellow. All 3 primary colors mixed will result in a brown. Hope this helps! Keep in mind that doing a little research on the colors you have using a "Google search" can help you understand the chemicals that make up those colors of yours. Like the oldest known blue was Egyptian Blue (CaCuSi4O10), the first synthetic pigment. It was used in ancient Egypt in the Mediterranean area, Mesopotamia and Persia from around 3000 BC.