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Question: Audition for a musical HELP!!?!!?!!?
ok well tomorrow we have auditions for our school musical footloose and were gonna be judged on how well we sing! im super nervous because ive never sang in front a crowd before! im a good dancer and actor but she is mostle basing her decsion on how well we sing! im not the worst singer but im a little embarassed cuz i dont know what she expects! any advice on how to improve my vocals ( i just need to sing the chorus of foot loose)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't dance while you sing- they want to just listen to your voice, not see you dance!. also, remember, when you sing, don't forget to act!. You can be the best singer, but if you don't act, you probably won't get hte part!. But, even if you aren't the best singer, but act the song really well, there is a good chance that you will get the part!. Just before you you onstage, take a deep breat through your nose and out through your mouth!. Lastly, don't look the director in the eye as you sing- it will just make you nervous, and it isn't that professional!. Look at the back of the theatre instead!. If the theatre has a balcony, look at the edge of it, and if your theatre doesn't have a balcony, look where there would be one!. Good luck, and just remember to have a good time! Oh- post what part you get! God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com