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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you wondered if life was just a figment of someones imagination?

Question: Have you wondered if life was just a figment of someones imagination!?
ive always wondered if life was just a dream or if i am just a part of someones imagination, or as if i was being controlled almost like in the sims!.!.!.has anyone else ever wondered this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I once had a theory that we are a story going on in a schitzophrenic frogs head because he is bored, sitting on a lilly pad with nobody to talk to!. He actually believes this is all real because he is schitzophrenic!. One day, the frogs doctors will come up with a cure and that is when this world will end!.

Everything is possible and you are definitely not the first person to think this!. I personally feel that rationally, everything that exists once started as an idea!. Take your computer for instance!. Even you!. Your parents had the idea to have sex and make you (sorry)!. Everything you see with your eyes must have come from the mind of something or someone!. For something to be created, it has to have been thought of first!. Maybe what we see now is just the thought and one day it will be created and made real!.!.!.

Keep your mind open and let the mysteries of life give it a little kiss every once in a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have thought about this so much!.

My beliefs are

God's parents created the universe we are in, and god's parents children (god and his brothers and sisters) were given the ability to make a planet and put whatever they wanted on it, each brother and sister put their personalities on the planet they made, earth being the most beautiful because god was gracious enough to give us something like it!.

another one is like!.!.!.!. at the end of men in black where the aliens are playing with marbles that are actually a universe in them!.

then i was thinking that there could be a psychic at the middle of the earth subconsciously controlling everyone at the same time while he sleeps, and if he wakes up from something too horrific or something disturbs his sleep, everyone will die simultaneously, or the earth will blow up!.

those are just some!. I have more, but they're really weird as you can see ha ha!.

I like the sims idea, it's neat, i really hope that's not the case though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, it could be like that, but, let's face it, if it's just a figment of someone's imagination, it's a pretty darn good and very real figment!. Bottom line, I'm not willing to go through life spending a lot of time getting hung up on that particular issue!. Maybe life is a figment of your imagination!.!.!.or mine!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Matrix answered all those questions!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahahaha yess (:

i actually have!.
but then i get lost in thinking about it!.
and when my head starts to hurt i just quit!.


It doesn't matter if it is or isn't an illusion!. Life still hurts!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Justin Gaarder books!. It helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, how do we know we arent already dead!?

gives me the creeps, this could all be one massive dream that we cant and wont wake up from!!

far out man!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not just SOMEONE!Www@QuestionHome@Com
