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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can there be a distinction between mental and emotional disappointment?

Question: Can there be a distinction between mental and emotional disappointment!?
Explain your view pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Need I say more!

Yes!.!.!.Its good to have you back! Hope you enjoyed your break!.!.!.without any disappointments!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Example of a "mental" disappointment, would be!.!.!.

I didn't anticipate that rock behind that mogul when I was snow skiing, but I should have, but I was distracted by the beautiful view of the mountains, and so I am very mentally disappointed that I "failed" to recognize the signs of impending "mogul hidden rock" clues, that I was being distracted from at the time, right before I crashed and burned badly on that ski run!.!.!.

Example of an "emotional" disappointment!.!.!.

All 3 "serious relationship break-ups" I've ever experienced thus far!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mental disappointment is your own doing!. You suffer from "expectionitis" and don't get what you want!. In all cases, you get what you need Emotional disappointment is the things that others do that make you feel sad, upset, hurt!. Those that hurt animals, mistreat kids, allowing them to much, and teaching them "expectionitis!." Those that break traffic laws for no reason!. Get drunk to impress !.!.!.!.whom!?!?!?

Mentally, they are just words and pictures in your head, which are totally harmless!. Emotions by themselves are just different physical feelings in your body, and totally harmless in themselves!. However, when our thoughts are tied to our emotions through "memory" then all of a sudden our isolated thoughts and emotions are tied together, and they are given a "meaning" - and the "meaning" in your case is "disappointment"!. "Disappointment" can be harmful if you allow "disappointment" to govern your physical actions and intentions towards others!. You have observed your "disappointment" in retrospect, and then you have tried to justify it either mentally or emotionally, when in fact the initial "disappointment" that you felt was a product of both of them in tandem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the real distinction relies on the fact that mental disappointment can relate to a broader variety of things; it includes emotional disappointment but it surpasses their limits as well!.!.!.

you see, you might be disappointed that you don't understand a complicated mathematical theory (or something which doesn't imply any major aspect of your life), but that doesn't mean you necessarily become emotional about it!.!.!. you just deal with the situation and maybe try to improve your knowledge!.

whereas emotional disappointment!.!.!. is related to feelings, yet your feelings are caused or derive from thoughts (mental)!.
thus not even in love our brain ceases to function!.!.!. You can't love if your mind is completely empty!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.if there is, I have not experienced it!.!.!.anytime I have been disappointed in thought, I have also felt it in my heart whether this be fear or stupidity, or lack of understanding etc!.!.!.it's always brought my heart into it!.!.!.darn brain :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mental disappointment speaks, "Oh well, better luck next time", while emotional disappointment says, "Watch me put this dagger through my heart that I may show you how this feels"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mental is based on reason while emotional is based on fear or fantasy or somefeeling in between!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Menatal!.!.it is what U are!.!.
It is what we Feel can disassociate easily if we chose to!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mental it wrecks your brain
emotional it breaks your heartWww@QuestionHome@Com