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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does music do for you?

Question: What does music do for you!?
mentally!.!.!.physically!.!.!.spiritually!.!.!. cheesily lol!.!.!.!. no wrong answer!. Just want views from all over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
creates an atmosphere of continuity and purpose!. makes me feel energized and connected to the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This will probably slot into "cheesily!."

I can't even define it at all!. When I hear a piece of music that I resonate with it is like some sort of minute death!. It is not something that can be easily translated into words because it is such a physical sensation, something akin to passion - not romantic emotional passion, but!.!.!. I don't know, creative passion maybe!. Something like that!.

It's almost as if you become fleetingly selfless; the sound seems to reverberate inside you, it is overpowering, you don't think about anything else!. When a major shifts to a minor, when I hear a certain sweet or deep tone - a human voice, a fiddle, a guitar, whatever - and the space, the silent gaps, the amazing quietness of music!.!.!.! It is like a giant landscape!. And I have no idea what it is but I don't think what it is matters at all!. Is it here all the time just waiting to be expressed!?

Music is amazing, it's practically mystical; it gets you in tune, it connects you for a while, don't you reckon!? I like performing music, it is my life, but somehow nothing comes close to listening to it with attention!. Perhaps when you can both perform it and listen to it at the same time, you have transcended something, but I cannot do that, so I listen to those who can! Music with space in it; music that rushes through people as if they were mere vessels, instead of coming direct from people's egos!.

So ahem er yes!. Music rocks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Music can help me calm down!. when i am upset i just get my Ipod and listen to music in a quiet place!. it can also bring out emotions!. also when i listen to music (say the 80's) it brings me back to my childhood and teen years!. like you hear a song and you remember what you where doing when that song came out!. good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some resources!.!.!.

The music David Wilcock composes ( http://www!.divinecosmos!.com is his general site) is worthwhile!.


"Music and the Soul," Kurt Leland, http://www!.kurtleland!.com

"The Third Music," Ann Ree Colton!.

"Talks with Great Composers," Dr!. Arthur Abell!.

"The Secret Power of Music," David Tame!.

"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," O!. M!. Aivanhov!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is very funny I was thinking about music earlier today!.
So what I came up with is that music speaks to us!. We listen and suddenly we are found!. We find that someone else feels the same as we do!. We hear our own lives in songs!. The words or instruments surround us in our joy, dispear, or contentness!. Music can brighten our mood, remind us of a lovely memory, or be an anthem to our simple life!. Either way certain songs become ours!. Made just for us in that particular time our life!. In that moment we are heard, found, comforted, joined, understood!. All of this offered in a CD!. Its all there and its completely wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MENTALLY: Challenges me!. Why did he/she wrote that!?
PHYSICALLY: Hmm!.!.!. well I've gained finger ability with my piano playing!.
SPIRIT: It refreshes my soul, my mood and others!.
CHEESILY: Touches my human side!.

I have passionate love for music!. It's the answer to it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mostly, certain songs remind me of either good or bad times in my life!.
It's hard to pick a certain band but I have to say that YES, KANSAS and STEELY DAN give me a warm feeling!.
I guess early 70's songs make me the happiest!.
The only band that makes me feel bad is Journey!. It was my first fiance's favorite band!.
Otherwise I love all types of music unless it sucks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It relaxes me!. Music is the only thing that can stop me from being fidgety!. If I'm sad it cheers me up not matter how sad the song mat be!. If I'm angry it makes me happy!. Music just makes me happy!. A lot of albums tell a story!. Like depending when I got it!. It tells something about me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Music takes me away, it is my escape and my voice!. It can change my mood and it can change my perspective!. Music is my life!. Whether I am playing it, writing it, or performing it, music is everything to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, music is a way to express sentiments though metaphor which would be much more difficult while using grammatically correct language!. The aesthetics of the sound is also very comforting and beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mentally it can make think if I want to think or make me not think and just fall into the sound
physically I usually want to dance or drive faster
spiritually it can make me enhance whatever emotion I want to feelWww@QuestionHome@Com

Music makes me think about the world!It takes me into a different world!It depends on the song!There's like a story behind every song!Like Waiting On The World To Change!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Irish music makes me !.!.!.!.!.cry

Hindu music makes me!.!.!. high

all music is !.!.!.!.!.!.emotional masturbation

poet and i didn't know it!.!.!.!.ha haWww@QuestionHome@Com

it makes me feel like ten thousand rays of sunshine are shining through me while smelling many bouquets of the most elegant flowers known to manWww@QuestionHome@Com

Music makes me wonderWww@QuestionHome@Com

it make us resh ,delite and peace 2 mind happpyness
so without music life is absured!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Music moves me to tears!.!.!.helps me unload!.!.!.lightens up!.!.!.lifts my spirits!.!.!.makes me soar higher & higher!. Now which category is that!.!.!.Cheesy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Music" is my life!.!.!.(see 360 page)Www@QuestionHome@Com

gets me pumpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

besides a hope for better days, strength to go onWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the time it helps me figure out my emotions!. : DWww@QuestionHome@Com

helps me relax
feel good
gets me jumpy

and best friendWww@QuestionHome@Com