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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does hating Tom Cruise, when you don't even know him, show a pesonality flaw

Question: Does hating Tom Cruise, when you don't even know him, show a pesonality flaw!?
i don't understand why Tom Cruise gets so much abuse!. I hear people make things up and RANT about him!
He seems like a pretty decent member of society!. Very little scandal, so what's the deal!? He doesn't hurt anyone or anything, gives to charity, his kids aren't on drugs running around giving crotch shots!. People say his wife is abused without ANY PROOF!. I mean there are enough crazies in hollywood to fill any need for gossip so why the constant attacks on cruise!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think so!. In the first place, hating anybody is a sign you are disturbed in some way!. In the second, hating is a type of concentration!. To concentrate on someone you don't know is to not concentrate on yourself, which is not progressive!.

I agree, leave Tom alone!. If you are inclined to focus on other people, go down to the hospitals and befriend child cancer patients!. There are better places to focus your energy than a celebrity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would that be a personality flaw any more so than hating any person without actually knowing them!?
Maybe people who don't like him just have a different perspective on him than you do!. Not a personality flaw, just something about him that they don't like!.
EDIT: Incidentally, his kid might not be on drugs or doing crotch shots because she's about two years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find people who intensely hate OR love celebrities amusing, precisely because most of these people don't even know the celebrities they hate/love!. I think it's fair to like or dislike an actor based on his body of work!. But I think it's pointless to hate someone I don't know, whether it's Tom Cruise or other celebrities!. For that matter, I find it pointless to defend them against haters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hate is a strong word!. People throw the word around too much!.

Likely, they don't like his personality or his politics or his views on life!.

It is even odd for you to care enough to mention in this question or of me to bother to answer your question!. He is just a man that people happen to feel strongly about, the good and the bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tom Cruise is a good actor!. Don't know much about his home life and really don't care!. Most of those rich actors/actresses live in their own type of world anyway!. Why people slander others that they don't know isn't right!. Maybe its jealousy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are a easily led society and we allow the tabloids and news media to color our opinions with out relizing it is happening!. If any of us as individuals had our lives followed so closely and played and played and played and replayed over and over in a video loop we would be "hated" the same way!. We are a fickle society and get tired when things are constantly at the center of our attention!.

Good news for Tom though, once time has gone by and we get tired of kicking him, like the others before him, we will rediscover him and rather than as the latest trend, his work in general will be appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com