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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does verbal instincts mean?

Question:My theory is that no such thing exist since all verbal forms of communication is learned, from language to speech.

If you meant the gift that others seem to have in terms of knowing exactly what to say at any given time and place, I would not call that instinct related to verbal skills.

Instead it is a type of reaching out that manifests as words. These people can say googoo gah and yet the listener/recipient feels and understands what was being said? You say right back " Uh huh? I see. I see what you mean, you couldnt have said it better"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My theory is that no such thing exist since all verbal forms of communication is learned, from language to speech.

If you meant the gift that others seem to have in terms of knowing exactly what to say at any given time and place, I would not call that instinct related to verbal skills.

Instead it is a type of reaching out that manifests as words. These people can say googoo gah and yet the listener/recipient feels and understands what was being said? You say right back " Uh huh? I see. I see what you mean, you couldnt have said it better"

I suppose that verbal instincts mean " the same word/sentence or phrase being used a son after his father /grand father or anyone else in his previous generation in his family.... Even if the boy has not heard them speaking so.."

The inherited pattern of using the same words or phrases in generations is Verbal instinct..